Thursday, June 28, 2012

yolo / 人間

remember how faust traded his soul for a single moment of bliss

yeah but he got to heaven in the end, didn't he

a thin smile plays about his lips. sure, of course he did


"Babe, could you give me a hand?" I call out from across the hall

A pause.       "Yeah sure," she yells back casually. It wasn't a particularly long pause - just slightly longer than it would've normally taken to process the words and form a reply - but it was definitely something. An ominous absence that briefly hung in the air before being swept under the rug - a dense silence just wide enough to mask some visceral response. There was something disconcerting about the amount of time that elapsed between us - an extra beat that disrupted the natural flow of things. Pauses like that make me nervous.

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pure pure requiem