Tuesday, June 5, 2012


Completely unprepared to tackle such an endeavour, but must attempt it to be fully convinced


to be wise requires some sacrifice - you pay a price to obtain a prize


we never got the chance to discover each other's names, the only difference is that I kept dreaming up new ones for you


the following conversation takes place in a house with a guitar and many photographs, few paintings and only one bathroom. The bedroom curtains are open and the windows are still wet from a scattered afternoon shower, the raindrops softening the generous strip of light that runs across the floor and onto the bed, replete with tangled sheets, grazing the limbs and eyelashes of the girl sprawled out upon it. Beside her, sitting on the rug with his back leaning against the frame, a guy with some stubble and pretty lousy clothes stares intently into the pages of some paperback novel.

- hey

-  ?

- let's get married

-      ...               no thanks

-  I'm being serious

- so am I

-      why don't you wanna marry me?

[a rustling of sheets as she moves her face closer to kiss him]
- your feet stink

[he turns his head to intercept her lips.    touchdown]
-       fair enough                  but seriously though         don't you ever think about        you know   getting married?

-            of course I do

- but you don't want to

-     no        I do, it's just         not right now                

- but someday?

-  yeah           someday

-                                    so why not now

-           I   just    don't think we're ready yet

[a pregnant pause] 

-   I guess you're right                                                            It's definitely not because you don't love me, right

- no, of course not

- and my smelly feet      do you love them too
[she smiles]
- absolutely, I do

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pure pure requiem