Sunday, June 10, 2012

Kepral's syndrome

stories - everyone has a few
how you met your spouse
how you became a Christian
If real relationship - always breathtaking journey, engaging tale (pun intended)
like a modern day quest to find treasure - in a way it is


I am interested in your character and your soul.
Unfortunately, everything else - my hands and my eyes, for instance - only care about your body and your face, and perhaps the way you laugh. The fact that these things and I are currently connected may lead me to appreciate you more or appreciate you less. But don't worry too much. As I get older, my body will start to die - and along with it, its desires,

I think.


why is it harder to be oneself when more people are watching


steadily approaching that dreaded state
where everybody loves me for my self-imposed hate


well, I guess you could say I'm a collector of sorts

what do you collect?

  feelings,        that sort of thing

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pure pure requiem