Monday, April 16, 2018

nova scotia girls

"you can usually tell from the kid, what the mom is gonna be like"


i don't recall ever being as wholesome as these kids are...


the effectiveness of the wholesome meme movement depends / relies on a kind of fluency and familiarity with the unwholesome memes that predominate. The original memes were conceived as a spin on a trope, some of which have now become so widely recognised that they have become tropes in their own right, and thus ripe format, fertile ground, activated substrate for subverting convention, parody, ironic variation etc. What i'm trying to say is that the wholesome meme was created in response to a need to oppose or resist the prevailing culture, the status quo. While outwardly it resembles the wholesomeness of dogs and babies whose loveliness is innate, effortless, unintentional, it has more in common with the deliberate benevolence of the holocaust survivor, the veteran social worker, the mother of a child with a disability. Their wholesomeness owes its existence to the unwholesomeness of human nature, but it manages to both acknowledge and supplant this. These memes don't offer us a cute fuzzy distraction, they don't try to sugarcoat the way the world is - they only ask us to try shifting paradigms. They offers us a different way of thinking and feeling in response to familiar set ups. It operates not by skirting the issue but by actively addressing / countenancing / confronting the patterns of thought we have grown used to. These memes were the result of a conscious decision. It's the result of us collectively staring down our cynicism and biting irony and unhappiness, folding our arms and saying, we can do better than this.

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