Sunday, March 25, 2018

hawking / rojak

I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well. 


  - whereas KL is...

- the city is essentially one big shopping mall, albeit one that is 85% open air food court.


surely this is the best of all possible worlds.


big changes start with small encounters


how much more common is illness compared to health, do you think?

How many people walking around do you think are actually completely healthy, disease-free.

How many have not even one thing wrong with their bodies?

Think about how many different things could go wrong, think of the dazzling dizzying mind-rending complex processes and structures that make up a human. How many opportunities it has to go awry. Think of the one way it was designed to function, and think of how each of these things depend on so many other things to function properly, which themselves depend on an exponentially interconnected web of other things working as they should. Think of how easy it would be for chance to interfere, for one particular tiny aspect to malfunction, causing a knock-on effect to the microscopic rube goldberg machine like cascades within the cell, within the copying of DNA, proteins folding and unfolding and transcribing mindlessly like machines in a factory line, the foremen asleep at the wheel, off sick, or simply not paying attention, bringing the entire show to a grinding halt. A seed of fault spreading through the entire system, infecting it with its imperfection, a rock that poisons the entire lake, a yeast that spreads throughout the dough, disguising itself as something natural, insidiously, imperceptibly only frankly manifesting once the final product is formed, or rather, misformed, deformed, misshapen, inbred, once it's too late.

Is it actually rare or is it actually so overwhelmingly common that we overlook the small imperfections - that we become numb to it.

That what we call health is actually a disease we all have. What if you've always been diseased and you've only ever met diseased people. What if you've never met a truly healthy person before.

What you are talking about is mutation. Mistakes are what make us beautiful. Mistakes allow for novelty, for freedom. For progress.

Is this what you call beautiful? Tell me, what part of this screams progress. Virtual space - the real self is in a wheelchair. Hawking talks to a 20 year old amputee.

'you'll notice this bit gets very familiar,' Mikhail said. It was a reskin / a replica of the lobby from the Terror Tower games. M had reused the resources, as ascended the stairs, Stephen glanced over at the

Working very hard to remain down to earth, not pity himself.

"There's a... a uh... a dinosaur attacking the city."

"Oh yeah, just ignore that. That's for a demo next quarter. We wanted to see how far we could realistically push the dimensions for height and distance.

Doing his best to ignore the screaming and sirens and roars.

rehabilitation clinic amputees. prior to receiving myoelectric limbs, practice in virtual space, electrodes, tactile feedback. endless possibilities.

I still prefer the real world.

in an alternate universe.

Alana, but you can call me Lana.
I used to be a computer gaming AI. Puzzle games mostly.

crux - longing for a life you can never have - a life that should be yours. stepping into an alternate universe, as torture.


pretty girl simulator, VR experience

guys are just really nice to you, they come and talk to you for no reason, pretense, get catcalls, text based choices. blow him off, encourage, smile. unwanted attention, hey baby, smile. you could get it you know. everything focused on appearance, finally meet a guy who 'respects' you, turns out like all the rest, or maybe worse.


the malaysian identity has always seemed to me a makeshift, slipshod, nebulous kind of thing, which makes it difficult to tell if you belong to it or possess it - especially when the accent is overwritten. Maybe it's the endless heterogeneity, the irreconcilable incongruity of the populations it seeks to gather together and categorise - the fact that the outliers outnumber the average. We have a stereotype of the British, which their sub-stereotypes of northern, posh, lad, all conform to or at least recognise to a degree. The Japanese have their cultural identifiers, bywords exclusively attributed to them, as do the Italians. The Thais are renowned for their love of their king, curries, massages, united by hospitality. They all seem to possess a set of unique virtues and vices. what do we have? Corrupt politicians? Char kuey tiao? A childlike earnestness and lack of sophistry? it appears that the only indisputable facet of being malaysian is the uncanny ability to tell if someone else is Malaysian or not. The ability to recognise your own.

(Maybe what brings us together is our diversity, our lack of a common history, our differences, our dissonance. The state of not being from anywhere else.)


the pakistani kid next door will have grown up listening to the pixies, hillsong united, mac demarco, winona forever and kpop.


i am the same age as filthy frank


Falling into the malaysian habit of chasing a better future by forsaking what you already have

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