Tuesday, March 5, 2019

requiem for a softboi

'That dream is both a noun and a verb. An accusation and imperative. An implication. An invitation. A destination. You declare the outside world to be immaterial, inconsequential. Full of nascent potential. A seething sea of desire and emotion waiting to be shaped by your will. 'Yume' - its romanisation phonetically reads, You May - as in Tim-'

'Got it. Basically you think you're kind of a big deal.'



a softboy is what happens when a fuckboy develops a modicum of emotional intelligence. it is a natural progression, the inevitable next stage of their evolution.


"Next we have the archive of ballads from the Romantic Age. These are a collection of songs written before pre-consciousness and the interlink. Partners were unable to select from the geographic pool and filter based on criteria. You must remember that the process of choosing a procreative mate was thus very different for these forerunners. The affair was haphazard, uncoordinated, ambiguous and reportedly miraculous to those experiencing it, the endeavour being primarily and often solely informed by a forerunner's biochemical directive. The authors envisioned that these connections would endure a lifetime, and this can be seen reflected within the mood and lyrical content of these primitive songs in the form of outrageous pledges of devotion and hyperbolic, sometimes morbid, metaphor. Why don't we listen to one?"

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pure pure requiem