Tuesday, June 5, 2018

caveat emptor

Having visited KL gateway mall, from the outside they inspire awe, and on the inside I find they all have a quality in common, they all look identical in their opulence, in their hollowness and vacancy. In they way they all leave me feeling empty. Or maybe disappointed is the right word. The fact that they are all smaller on the inside than they appear, that they offer far less than is advertised. Trying to connect, palpate or interrogate its identity but coming away with nothing, only surface, trying to love a pretty girl who never lets you see under her makeup, whose answers are all superficial and reveal nothing. Trying to love the shopping malls as an extension of the city, it doesn't feel authentic or genuine.

it's tiring, as tiring as trying to hold a conversation and connect with someone who has resolved to only show you their sparkly, shiny, scintillating side. Who thinks they have to perform to earn your attention. Who never dares to put forward their fears, to acknowledge their shortcomings, to ask you to love them, someone who never lets down their facade of being appealing, who is consumed by appearance, who is trying all the time to make you like them.

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pure pure requiem