Friday, November 17, 2017

light and salt II

choosing what to think about. Choosing how to think. Does any of that sound familiar?


thank you for the men and women who had to work so hard to make this meal possible


Starting F1 is a lot like learning how to cook pasta. The first couple of times it's going to be a disaster. The first time I tried I left half the spaghetti poking out the water so half was limp like tofu and the other half was hard as nails. Then you put in too much water, or not enough water. Sometimes you burn the pan. But the point is, if you keep doing it often enough - no matter how bad you were at the beginning - if you put effort into learning from your mistakes, you're only going to get better at it. And then one day you'll find that you've somehow cooked just the right amount of pasta to just the right consistency and prepared just the right amount of sauce. And to your surprise you do it again. And again. And again. The downside is that for a while at the beginning you're going to have to put up with eating some really lousy pasta. But after that, you get good enough to enjoy the pasta you're making. And then you get to enjoy making pasta.

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pure pure requiem