Sunday, May 8, 2016


Deep calls to deep in the roar of your waterfalls; all your waves and breakers have swept over me. 
- Psalm 42:7


really smart people saying interesting things make you think they're worth listening to, fallacy of the beautiful girl not always beautiful inside too. Just because they are making insightful observations taht are true doesn't mean they are full of truth. I'll say it again: Just because something is true, it doesn't mean it's truth. The way you know you are writing something real is that it draws the reader into their realer selves. ( makes them actually feel inside themselves for a change, and maybe respond, instead of eliciting an autonomous reaction, like laughter or disgust. )

and i don't know why that manifests itself so much like the feeling of loneliness
wanting to share something special, an experience
or because you feel someone really gets you someone really understands you
when you snap out of it and realise that person or entity is not actually present - ghost appendage sensation, losing something you never had to begin with

great writing cannot be completely dependent upon technique, really great writing requires you to dig inside yourself for the deepest part of yourself you can find. or else it won't reach anyone
deep calls to deep


is that what you think that the book is about then, loneliness?

I think that if there’s a sort of sadness for people under 45 it has something to do with pleasure and achievement and entertainment. Like a sort of emptiness at the heart of what they thought was going on. And maybe I can hope that some parts of the book speak to their nerve endings a little bit.


mothers day dinner 8/5/16: advice - make an effort to keep in touch with old friends. make the effort, it takes effort but it's worth it

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pure pure requiem