Wednesday, December 23, 2015

viva la vida / ecclesiastes

you know what's really toxic? what's really soul-destroying? wanting to be there. or wanting to feel like you're finally there. Because here's the truth -- there doesn't fucking exist. You'll never actually be good enough, or smart enough, or funny or popular or rich enough. I know you think you will be, if you just try hard enough or change your diet or whatever but I'm telling you -- you never reach that point. That magical point just beyond the horizon where you think you can finally relax and be happy. Wake up! It doesn't exist! It's not real. Look, I know you think you know all this already - that being discontented and incredibly successful is something that happens to other people, something people write novels about and make movies out of - but you don't really think it applies to you, do you? Deep down, you think you're above all that. That it'll never happen to you. You don't actually realise that somewhere along the line everything you've been doing - every single thing you've ever tried and all your "achievements" amount to nothing more than a miserable attempt to pacify that shitty niggling feeling deep down in the core of your being that never seems to go away. That feeling of not being enough - of never ever being enough. You think 'oh if I can just do this, or oh I if I can just be this way - then my life will be sorted out. then I'll have my happy ending.' Listen to me. You need to fucking wake up - or else you'll end up 40 years old and alone, a sad old bastard who spent the best years of his life chasing something that doesn't even exist. And then you'll be like the rest of these poor old bastards who never really lived a day in their life. Who spend their days with their heads in the sand, walking around like zombies, not knowing where they're going or what they're after. And you'll have wasted your life, and there's no getting it back. Listen to me. There's no such thing as happy. Are you listening? You'll never be happy. This is it. Do you hear me? This is all you get. Right here. Right now. This is it. This is your life, and it's all you've got

So go and make the most of it.


pure pure requiem