Tuesday, January 13, 2015

disease x cure

1. what is the incidence of doctors dying at/in hospital

2. what is the incidence of doctors dying on the job i.e. while on call in ED, working in community or operating in OT

3. what is the incidence of mortality among physicians and surgeons nationwide compared to the general population

5. is being a doctor associated with an increased or decreased risk of mortality compared to population risk

    a) if the risk is decreased, is it mainly due to
        i) being in and around hospital premises for a greater percentage of their lifetime compared to the average person and therefore having an increased chance of quick and successful resuscitation in the event of a medical emergency or
        ii) being aware of and involved in disseminating and motivated to act on health promoting lifestyle advice i.e. balanced diet, regular exercise, smoking abstinence, thus contributing to a longer, less death-prone lifespan

    b) if the risk is increased is the reason / are the factors mainly
        i) extrinsic i.e. stress, increased exposure to hospital pathogens or
        ii) intrinsic and volitional i.e. DNAR, refusal of treatment, euthanasia
        iii) intrinsic and non-volitional i.e. neglecting personal health / well-being to meet work demands

    c) if there is no significant difference in risk of mortality compared to population, is it because the increased risks and decreased risks of being a doctor cancel out

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