Monday, June 9, 2014

portrait of the artist as a young fan

Favourite novelist:
Haruki Murakami

A novel that mentions other novels in a way that makes you want to read them is a good novel

Runner up:
J.D. Salinger

Favourite essayist:
C.S. Lewis

Runner up:
Sedaris / Joseph Brodsky - can't decide

Favourite poet:
T.S. Eliot
Only read The Waste Land and The Love Song of Alfred J Prufrock, enough to fall in love with his style. First time I read him I was 19 and thought he was trying too hard. Second time I read him when I was 20 and thought it was lovely imagery but was too obtuse / didn't make much sense. Third time I read him I was 21 and everything changed

Runner up:
Frank O'Hara

favourite novel:
the Catcher in the Rye

runner up:
I don't read many novels


d'aww manga

d'aww anime
toradora / ano natsu de matteiru


  1. I said I wasn't impressed by 1Q84, but have you read Kafka by the shore? I'm working my way through that one now

  2. not yet, i read like 5 pages of Kafka in an MPH a year ago - eager to get my hands on a copy. how'd you like it so far?
    I'm a little scared to touch 1Q84, partly because i am a super slow reader and it will take me about 10 years to get through all three books, but also because i suspect it is like the wind up bird chronicles, which was as frustrating as trying to read a rubick's cube and gave me an existential kick in the balls at the end

  3. i really like his short stories though - they never feel like 'work'

  4. It's better than 1Q84: better pacing (not as meandering as 1Q84) while being just as surreal. Maybe it's my short attention span.

    But my sister has been forcing me to read fullmetal alchemist, so culture can wait-


pure pure requiem