Thursday, October 24, 2013

the one who stays

    'Excuse me miss but, have we met before?'
   'I don't think so.'
'Oh.  Sorry, I just had a feeling, like this had happened before.'
'You mean like deja vu?'
'That makes sense I suppose.'
'I'm just saying, seeing how none of this is real.'
'How do you mean?'
'It's not real, you know. It's all in your head.'
'What are you saying - that this is all a dream?'
'Yup. Your dream.'
  'It feels so real.'
'I guess.'
'So what about you? Are you real?' 
'Nope, I'm just a figment of your imagination.'
 'Okay, well what are you doing here?'
'Nothing. What are you doing here?'
 'Talking to you.'
'Yeah same here.'
'Yeah but - what were you doing before we started talking?'
'I don't know.   Waiting, I suppose.'
'Waiting for whom?'
'How should I know'
     'Well, do you have something to tell me?"
'Like what?'
'I don't know. Something important, perhaps?'
'Not really.'
'Why are you here then?'
'I thought you would know.'
'Well, I don't'
'Well. That's just swell.'
     'Who are you exactly?'
     'you don't know?'
'No, I honestly don't.'
'Shit - I was hoping you could tell me.'
    'Do you have a name?'
'Yeah of course I have a name.'
'What's your name?'
'Yeah, what's wrong with humbert'
'That's a guy's name isn't it?
'Hey man, if you've got a problem with it it's your own stupid fault. I'm just an extra in this dumb dream of yours.'
'No, I didn't mean it like - it's a bad name or anything. I just -.'
 'Nah, forget about it. I'm just in a shitty mood. Been standing here freezing my ass off for hours. Thanks to you.'
'Sorry.        What were you doing before this?'
'Nothing in particular.'
'Well, then - I mean, you must be here for a reason'
'I suppose. Why don't you try and think up a reason?'
'Like right now?'
'Yeah, go ahead. Better than doing nothing.'
'Okay.   Maybe you're here waiting to meet your boyfriend.'
'Oh sweet - I have a boyfriend? Is he handsome?'
'What else?'
'He's very tall, and kind to strangers.'
'Nice. Go on.'
'You're both about to go meet his parents.'
'But he can't make it.'
'Why not?'
'Something bad has happened to him, an accident.'
'Oh man,   is he dead?'
'I don't know, maybe.'
'What do you mean maybe? It's either yes or no'
'Then yeah, he's dead.'
'The hell... ??'
'What? You wanted an answer, so I gave you one -' 
'Yeah but that's like the shittiest story in history.      Seriously, that's it?'
'Yeah I guess.'
'That's balls, man.'
'Sorry, it's the best I could do.'
 'I gotta say, you really suck at this.'
'Making stories up - good ones.'
'Yeah, I guess.'
'So what happens next?'
'What do you mean? That's all there is - that's the end.'
'I know, but what happens after that?'
'After the end?'
'Yeah, what happens to me? Do I just keep standing here like a dumbass waiting for my dead boyfriend to show up?'
'Well no, you can do whatever you want.'
'Whatever I want?'
'Like what?'
'I don't know. You could go somewhere else.'
'I like that. I think I will.'
   'Where are you going?'
'I don't know, anyplace that isn't here.'
'Will I get to see you again?'
'Are you saying you'd like to see me again?'
'Just 'yes'?'
'Geez. You're a real smooth-talker, you know that?'
'I would love to see you again.'
'That's more like it. Come find me, I'll be waiting for you'
'I'll come find you.'
'You do that. Take care, man.'
'Thanks, you too'
'   Bye.'

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