Saturday, May 11, 2013

call your girlfriend

                                                                                                                                                                         legato, amabile
"say, do you remember when our anniversary was"
"mm, can't really say. did we even have one, i wonder. it was such a disorganised affair"
"true. full of full stops and half starts. all i can recall are a series of graduations and little deaths"
"tch. you're gonna write that down later huh"
"already have"
"i remember the party though. the night you asked me out"
"i remember it too. you always remember your first time i guess"
                                                                                                                                                                         repente, giocoso ma non troppo
"do you ever write about me?"
"mm.. every now and again.   you don't mind, do you?"
"nah. it's kind of flattering in a way"
                                                                                                                                                                          larghetto, gentile con lontano
"i guess you can't spend that amount of time with someone without having them affect you somehow"
"how do you mean"
"mm... like superficial things perhaps. musical tastes, fashion -- or fundamental things. life choices. standards.  that sort of thing. we'd probably be leading pretty different lives right now if we never got together, don't you think"
"mm i guess so.   we probably wouldn't be sitting here together like this"
"probably not"
                                                                                                                                                                          meno mosso
"say, can i ask you a personal question"
"bit late to be asking permission now"
"what i mean is, it's kind of a touchy subject"
"does your wife mind? us meeting up like this"
"not really. i tell her i'm meeting an old friend"
"ぅっ~ん.. sneaky"
"if she asked for the specifics i'd tell her we used to date but she never asks"
"ぅっ~ん.....      you should probably tell her though, instead of having her find out"
"you're probably right. i'll tell her next time"
"you think she'd be cool with it?"
"probably. she's a cool person"
"why didn't you tell her the first time though"
"i didn't think i had to. it's not like i'm doing anything wrong"
"well no, but imagine if she finds out. it's like, it doesn't matter what you were doing. you should have told her"
"  i didn't think it was relevant"
"well, it's kind of relevant"
"i'm not seeing you because we used to date. i'm seeing you because we're old friends"
"i know that. but your wife doesn't"
"so you're saying i should explain myself to her each time i step out of the house"
"that's ridiculous"
"that's marriage. did you not read the fine print"
"i must've missed it"
                                                                                                                                                                         attacca, poco sospirando
"that's always been the problem with you, you know. you never want to explain yourself to anyone - you're only ever accountable to yourself"
"no, that's - this is different. this is because we trust each other, which means we don't have to justify every little thing we do or say"
"okay but sneaking out of the house to meet an ex-girlfriend, isn't that betraying her trust?"
"i'm not    sneaking... i'm just  being... "
"insensitive? selfish? conceited? all of the above?"
                                                                                                                                                                           rit. morendo
"... okay, fine. i get it. i'm a terrible human being.  can we please just drop it and move on"
                                                                                                                                                                        pausa sostenuto, a bene placito
        "no,  you don't get it
 but okay.

                                                   let's move on"
                                                                                                                                  lasciare suonare, a niente        

1 comment:

pure pure requiem