Saturday, December 24, 2011

home pt. 2

reflections on marble floors
louvered windows and wooden doors


life of chasing butterflies

Saturday, December 17, 2011


What makes a cat purr?


If you can name it, you can have it
But when you have it, it becomes something else


I wonder if there are a finite number of universal truths and if so whether they can be summed up in a single statement/revelation


For truth is beauty and beauty truth- that is all ye know on earth, and all ye need to know


Most people have manners, it's just a matter of how often we use them

Sunday, December 11, 2011

kitsune means fox

celebrating sacrifices


things fall apart all the time; it's up to us to put them back together again


they call me doctor worm

Saturday, December 10, 2011


하고 싶은 아르바이트, a list:
Florist's assistant
Memorial park clerk
Cinema projectionist
Anime/manga hobby store shopkeeper
Comic book shopkeeper


My music teacher back in primary school told me if I drank too much carrot juice my skin and eyes
would turn orange. I always thought she was just being mean to me because I had forgotten to do the
homework. 9 years later, in university I learn about a condition called hypercarotenemia, which causes
a yellow-orange discolouration of the skin due to excessive intake of vegetables containing the pigment
carotene and I can't help but feel a little bit sad for having doubted her.

Still, she was wrong about the eyes though

Tuesday, December 6, 2011


Define words.
words are mainly used as a medium to communicate ideas/events/actions/emotions/phenomena.
if you can define it, you can assign a word to it.
many words are made up of preexisting words, usually stolen from ancient languages.
Medical vocabulary is mainly just a collection of literal descriptions of the action or of the appearance of the abnormality or procedure in latin. idiopathic, lymphoma, emphysema, mydriasis.
Mydriasis simply means an excessive dilation of the eye. Dilation means becoming wider by increasing the radius of a circle. Radius means the distance between the centre and edge of a circle. A circle is a round plane figure whose boundary (the circumference) consists of points equidistant from a fixed center.Words are just vessels which contained condensed meanings. These meanings are so commonly referred to that their abbreviations are also widely understood.
Why is it that the simpler a word is, the more difficult it is to define it in words?
If someone asked you what an eye is, you could either point to your eye and say 'this thing' or say 'an organ of the body.' or you could continue 'which is spherical and is involved in sensing light and images and feeding it to the central nervous system in the brain.'
so many meanings share the same word. For instance break can mean a separation of a singular piece into two or more pieces, or an interruption in continuity or a change in activity from a more strenuous one to a more restful one after which one intends to resume the strenuous activity. There are words that are specific to each meaning I'm sure, but break can be used, depending on the context, to communicate all three.
If the way we create words is by recycling others then how did the first words come about? how did they decide which sounds to use? how many syllables to have? which intonations to assign? why did the protogermanic people decide to call the moon mǣnōn and chinese people,Yuè. Also why do japanese people pronounce the same chinese character Tsuki?
Irony is another interesting word. Loan words, from other languages when there is no modern equivalent.
carrying our shells on our backs


mindset of the creator - constantly dreaming and wondering how to make it a reality.
the logistics and details of making something out of nothing. The putting together of individual parts to make something greater
as much as certain people become doctors, certain people become engineers.
Very practical and grounded. Perfect for dreamers.
Writers and readers.


perhaps words are just an assemblage of sounds representing a fact or concept or emotion or a combination of the three. an eccentric analogy - the most basic of metaphors. spinning worlds out of thin air

Saturday, December 3, 2011

인어 공주 / 향수병

a footnote in someone else's happiness


바람 같은 사랑


brimming with insincerity


why is there nothing to write about

Thursday, November 10, 2011

nagoya come on


The moment I saw her, there were no fireworks or wedding bells; just the tinkering of cymbals and chimes- a bossa beat that mingled amongst the gentle chatter of the crowd, occasionally fraternizing with the clinking of cocktail glasses daintily held by slender, white-gloved hands.


how to be a top student
1. acknowledge that you are a lousy student
2. try to be a better student
3. repeat

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

moral insanity / spectrums

    This curious and lamentable loss of the higher aesthetic tastes is all the odder, as books on history, biographies, and travels (independently of any scientific facts which they may contain), and essays on all sorts of subjects interest me as much as ever they did. My mind seems to have become a kind of machine for grinding general laws out of large collections of facts, but why this should have caused the atrophy of that part of the brain alone, on which the higher tastes depend, I cannot conceive.
-Charles Darwin


why does loneliness inspire profundity more than any other state?

I suppose when you're lonely, you're more willing to listen
or search for distractions and other occupations


depth vs intensity / the more complex our emotions are, the more they cause us distress


I'm amazed by the human propensity to recognise and portray complex permutations of various feelings by means of interpreting or effecting a subtle and subconscious set of muscle movements. Or just movements that are untaught and unpracticed but universally understood. Seemingly superfluous. What good are emotions anyway?


I want a cat just so I can name it pushkin
cause I'm eccentric like that


Phrase of the day:
America's preoccupation with freedom

Monday, October 31, 2011

waking dream


It's kind of depressing to be told that every pursuit is motivated by the promise of a chemical reward

Sunday, October 30, 2011

I was a kaleidoscope

I tend to be a very good judge of character

but people are sometimes more interesting than I give them credit for


she prefers pictures


we went to the older parts of KL, and i love it there.

I can't help but think, we should've gone together


I didn't think anyone loved that song as much as I did

I don't, I just liked the lyric



our time together is like the water we cup in our hands, every atom of it a sparkling blue sea of love, and kisses, and inside jokes, and ticklish skin, and delicious conversation and familiar grins. 


but she does have a way with words sometimes

other fish

if only it were so simple


most writers are neither fully genius nor ghost
but quite often just a little bit of both


Twitter is like a virtual limbo, where the restless and other ghouls go to make their presence known


so many things become less awkward if you have drawings to go with them


but by the time I was ready to say what needed to be said, it no longer needed to be heard

Sunday, October 23, 2011

public health

good friends tell you when you go too far


we're not looking for some great revelation, just a dose of catharsis from time to time to keep us alive
which is a pity


Top rated comments on youtube tell me more about the world than studies and surveys do

Saturday, October 22, 2011

hollywood facts

It's difficult to truly know someone given our tendency to show different parts of ourselves to different people


perfect belongs between pages of fiction and on television screens across the nation


I'm a little hard to understand at first, but stick around and I promise I'll make it worth your while

Monday, October 17, 2011

dream watcher

I met a guy in a room with a small screen in front of him. I asked him what he was watching, he said, the dream you're currently in. he shuffled over and beckoned me close as he grinned a dangerous grin as I watched a dreamer watching a dreamer watch the dream within.

Sunday, October 16, 2011


you asked me if you ever crossed my mind
but I couldn't say what I wanted to say
everyday darling, everyday


if one day we learned to record and replay our feelings
I wonder if that would be a good or a bad thing

Saturday, October 8, 2011

Friday, October 7, 2011

a / b

I am wary of people who act interested in everyone they meet, because truth be told, not everyone you meet is interesting

Sunday, October 2, 2011


if you can't be interesting, then be vague. people will fill in the blanks with whatever they please

Friday, September 30, 2011

rescue rooms

It still feels like the universe is conspiring, but no longer against me

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Ohm's law

Most people don't realize that having a magnetic personality also entails pushing people away

Monday, September 26, 2011


hesitantly at the laundromat


is it normal to derive such little utility from human contact?

pure pure requiem