Sunday, February 19, 2012

smoking nurse / long-distance

unkempt hair, glassy eyes
suffocated by the demands of other lives


I wonder what the world would be like if it were filled with only people like me


Perhaps it’s the dreary weather or the way the sun sets so quickly, but lately I’ve been feeling a little down. I looked up seasonal affective disorder, which is oddly enough also known as both winter depression and summer depression. The symptoms listed were: a lack of energy, difficulty concentrating on or completing tasks and an inclination to withdraw from people and social activities, none of which I have experienced. Instead, I seem to have developed a strange obsession with running. I read somewhere that people tend to develop obsessions when they’re trying to replace something. I’m still not quite sure what I was trying to replace; home or family perhaps, or some rose-coloured version of the two. I often find myself missing things I’ve never lost - yearning for memories I’ve never made.

My mom recently started using facebook. In her profile picture I look like a very caring son. The internet is a strange place - a one way mirror - a room you can enter unnoticed and unannounced, only making your presence known when you feel ready to do so. Social networking sites are even stranger. You can let in as many people as you feel comfortable with, having virtually complete control over what you share and what you don’t. Old classmates, fresh acquaintances and distant relatives alike all pass through our personal terminals, carrying on with their daily lives; a part of but also distinctly apart from ours. Some live across the hall, others - halfway across the world. Every page is littered with tiny windows into alternate worlds - ones with suns that don’t set so quickly.

Friday, February 17, 2012



her voice is like clear water
whose shimmering ripples echo
and cause my bones to shiver

hit and miss

fencing is a very precise sport, though some people do choose to just charge in and take their chances
you have to wait for an opening, or create one, and once you see a chance, you take it


I wonder if I'll ever get tired of talking to myself

Me too

Sunday, February 12, 2012


Never quite realized till now how closely the bare branches of trees resemble the branching avenues of our biological streets

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

forever stallone

too perfect for any man she is forced to roam
every night, destined to be

fool's goal

I always thought getting old meant letting go of your dreams, but now I know it means having the wisdom to know if a dream is impossible and having the courage to find a new one.

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

no surprises

we have to chase dreams, to stand still is to sink
into a realm of business ties and powerpoint slides
I'd rather have foolish rhymes and pithy lines
than to abide bedtimes and deadlines of all kinds
I want more than corporate crimes and parking fines
- to bask in a lifetime of sunshine
set me loose from this comfortable noose
the magic juice, fountain of youth
screaming truth from the top of a roof
gotta quench this thirst and end the curse
escape the hearse, call a nurse before it gets worse
but first examine my history of slavery
request the key and be set free from the old me
who had sold his own soul for fool's gold so easily

Saturday, February 4, 2012


I think humans are the only creatures to actively seek environments and climates where they are severely ill-suited and/or out of place with intent to conquer them


if you're wondering if I want you too (I want you to)


I reach for the bottle and disappear


I want to tell you how much I love you, but then you'll think I'm odd

pure pure requiem